Hi all - looking for a bit of help please.
I've got a pile of bits that came with the car, and I'm trying to sort them out into what's useful and what's probably not. I've got a complete 4 speed box, which I suspect is a 336 but I'm guessing, a couple of other incomplete boxes, and a couple of bell housings.
The bell housings have renault part numbers on them, so I assume they're either from a donor renault, or were taken from an S1 or S2.
I've looked in the parts catalogues, but can't find a part number that matches the ones on the casting. I'm hoping that the numbers cast into the bell housings are the finished part number, rather than the 'rough' number of the casting pre-machining.
Anyway.... here are some pics. Hopefully folks can help to identify them by sight.
Bell no. 1 - 7700597217
offered up to what I think is a 336 box.
Bell no. 2 - 7700519277
336(?) Box
Part gearbox of unknown type The same extension case seems to fit this and the other partial gearbox
Extension case that fits it.
Any guidance would be great. Thanks in advance.