Lotus Europa Community

Lotus Europa Forums => Garage => Topic started by: Dilkris on Sunday,June 06, 2021, 12:44:16 AM

Title: Smiths Gauges
Post by: Dilkris on Sunday,June 06, 2021, 12:44:16 AM
With regard to the 4 off 52mm Smiths gauges (oil, fuel, temp and amps), what is/was the original material on the underside of the bezel? I am referring to that which is between the bezel and the glass.
On my gauges the material has seemingly decomposed and "bled" onto the outer face of the glass.   
A Utube video I found shows some kind of butyl being used - but this looks messy and awkward.
Can an O ring be used? What have other people done as I would imagine the issue is quite common.
Note: "Yes" O rings are available from Smiths specialist suppliers, but these are the flat O rings which sit between the gauge and the dash upon installation.   
Title: Re: Smiths Gauges
Post by: dakazman on Sunday,June 06, 2021, 04:22:00 AM
   Your questions can be answered here .


  What you see now is just severe deterioration of the round seal between the bezel and glass. There is a flat thin gasket between dash and gauges.

Title: Re: Smiths Gauges
Post by: Dilkris on Sunday,June 06, 2021, 05:09:07 AM
Thankyou dakazman - this brings me a bit closer - there is it would appear, a bezel gasket.
Apparently it is advertised (elsewhere) as being a foam black neoprene "glass to chrome bezel seal"
Title: Re: Smiths Gauges
Post by: SilverBeast on Sunday,June 06, 2021, 07:05:07 AM
I have seen kits for the guage refurb some where. I just can't remember where......

Ebay [/url]https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LOTUS-ELAN-EUROPA-instrument-refurbishment-seals-with-6-small-gauges-18-pcs-/283959542631?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286[/url]
Title: Re: Smiths Gauges
Post by: dakazman on Sunday,June 06, 2021, 10:04:57 AM
I did get mine at nisongers as a kit as far as I can remember, I’ll check my thread .

Found it :  http://www.lotuseuropa.org/LotusForum/index.php?topic=2058.330

 it continues on next page also with help from other members. Thank you for my trip down memory lane, i cant believe it was 2016 when i took the harness out of the storage box where it was for 25 years.