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Lotus Europa Forums => Off Topic Subjects => Topic started by: Lou Drozdowski on Friday,March 20, 2020, 07:04:05 PM

Title: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Lou Drozdowski on Friday,March 20, 2020, 07:04:05 PM
Whatever Nation... it's time to show your colors

I am in touch with by brother in Italy every day, and the news is not good . Up north in Bergamo the dead are piled up and the Army was called to remove the corpses. To put it in context, last year they had a total of 120 funerals. This figure was surpassed in only 2 days this week! Seventy trucks were called from Modena and Milan to escort the remains to crematoriums. Full lock down, no one is permitted outside, churches closed or burial gatherings called off.

Think hard of what these people are going through right now. Be smart and help the human race defeat this silent menace. Follow the rules and Stay home!
Fly your countries flag ! Semper Fidelis

Where ever you live...here or abroad... all Nations please show your support.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Friday,March 20, 2020, 07:57:02 PM
The situation in Italy is really bad. I know you are concerned and your reminding me of your brother, I'm concerned too. I hope he continues to stay safe. Hopefully the Italian government allows people to try Chloroquine since it has shown promise.

Your suggestion to fly our country's flag reminds me of how, after 9/11, our Brit neighbors across the street planted a US and a Brit flag by their mailbox in solidarity with us yanks. I fly our flag every day and if I had the flag of Italy, I would fly it also (and I'd want to fly the flags of so many other countries to show my support).
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Lou Drozdowski on Friday,March 20, 2020, 08:21:15 PM
This is not to be intended as a political statement, but a human one...

Take twelve minutes and listen...

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Rosco5000 on Sunday,March 22, 2020, 08:18:51 AM
That was a very well executed speech. So clear on what their population has to do and why. I found this video on pandemics as well and it clearly demonstrates why all the social distancing is needed before it feels like a pandemic. https://www.facebook.com/747405411/posts/10157704301500412/?d=n

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Monday,March 23, 2020, 02:51:10 PM
UK now in lock-down.

When I run out of work type work from home, my garage is splendid isolation.  Luckily I have enough parts to keep me occupied for many months.

Maybe I will have to cut a flap in the door so my wife can pass me food rations from time to time.

Very strange unprecedented times.

I think many other countries will follow suit very soon.

Stay safe, and stay apart.

Alex in Norfolk.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: SilverBeast on Monday,March 23, 2020, 03:42:26 PM
I'm in my second week of working from home and I'm scheduled to be at home next week now, and probably for the forseeable future.

I almost wish I couldn't work from home, as I could then get on with doing stuff on the Europa!

24/03/2020 Edit: Lots of typos. Must have been really tired!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Monday,March 23, 2020, 08:19:34 PM
I read good news this evening - that Italy is starting to turn the corner on this virus. I hope that's true and things continue to improve over there. Lou, I hope and trust that your brother is doing well in the midst of this and that things will get much better soon so he can enjoy his Europa again!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Lou Drozdowski on Monday,March 23, 2020, 08:49:27 PM
Jim, Thank you so much for your kind thoughts...

Vic and family are fine, hunkered down like gophers and yes, there is a glimmer of hope that the peak of contagion is slowing. The issue of course is the incubation period. He tells me that they figure there was 4 weeks of spreading before anyone really took notice. They are now in week 3 of lock down, and if the numbers of reported cases stabilize further add another 14 days... to get a better picture.

Here in the states we are 3 weeks behind flattening the "bell"curve. I doubt very much we will see a return to normalcy at least until mid May or June...be safe!   
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Chuck Nukem on Monday,March 23, 2020, 11:04:17 PM

I am glad to hear you and yours are well. I listened to William Tell in its entirety tonight working on the cars and my thoughts were with Italy.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKARcVN63q8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKARcVN63q8)

The finale is really something else. It sends shivers down my spine. Viva Italia!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Monday,March 23, 2020, 11:27:04 PM
back on the thread it looks as if the UK is going into Police State mode at the moment, which makes us very much like other countries. My only regret is that it didn't happen 2 weeks ago, at times we spend too much time pussy-footing around when we really ought to get on with it.

The UK guys will know the reasons but for across the pond the cause of the overnight change has been the last weekend.  The government had been "advising" to stay home, stop unnecessary travel, keep a distance from others, etc but of course the Darwin Principle mob can't (won't ?) understand. 

We live about 10 miles from Skegness, a seaside resort, and at this time of year it's not that busy.  This weekend there was a steady stream of cars going in and the place was heaving. Going on Facebook reports the pubs were packed, bars & clubs open with crowds everywhere.  Given how quiet it was when we were picking up groceries earlier in the week I'd imagine that's 99% tourists and apparently this was the same in other locations.

So if your child insists on sticking his hand in the fire, you have to take the fire away.  Now we can get fined if the police don't like your reason for being outside......

Not to worry, I'm sure there's a "honey-do" list being created as I write...... 

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: TurboFource on Tuesday,March 24, 2020, 03:33:21 AM
It is quickly getting stricter here. We are down to only essential businesses being open here in Maryland. Be safe everyone! Social distancing, wash your hands!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Certified Lotus on Tuesday,March 24, 2020, 06:30:02 AM
As we all do the right thing by social distancing, I’m actually enjoying the simpler aspects of life. This just might become the new normal (at least until a vaccine is created) as I’m part of the higher risk group being 65.

In the meantime, my son and his girlfriend (who are living with us at the moment to escape NYC) are making a huge attempt to piecing together a 1000 piece Lotus puzzle I’ve had for years (bought it at the Lotus store in London several years ago).

Let’s all hope this virus goes away like SARS over some period of time. In the mean time, be generous and kind to your fellow man and woman and pray for the seriously ill.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Tuesday,March 24, 2020, 08:41:29 AM
Quite sensibly, shops are making people queue outside at 2 metre spacing, and let you in as one comes out, to avoid close contact in the shops especially supermarkets and banks.

Some items are being rationed 2 to a customer e.g. toilet rolls, eggs.

At the moments it is a strange atmosphere, but I am very pleased to be working now a long way from London.

I avoided public transport there, and I think picture of people crammed in a tube train, plus the weekend holiday antics, brought forward the inevitable.

The sooner we locked down, the sooner we get back to normality.

It is not all about money, it is about health, and no matter how much money you have, you cannot buy health. Just ask Steve Jobs.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 1970EuropaGuy on Tuesday,March 24, 2020, 10:44:41 AM
I sure wish Canada would take this a little more seriously. A few of the Provinces have acted with severe restrictions but here in British Columbia you can still buy a hot tub or other non essential items. At least in the small town that I live close to many businesses have closed voluntarily. Only businesses like spas and tattoo parlous have been ordered closed, even restaurants can still serve inside if they can maintain distances. I don't go to malls but apparently many of them are still open. We need our spring clothing!  Places like Walmart are a disaster. As of a few days ago there is only one food market I will go to where they are taking it seriously and even then the shelves are beginning to empty, many folks aren't keeping their distances and prices are beginning to rise quickly. I just paid $14.00 for a pound of butter, it was organic! At least gas is down to $1.12 litre.

A number of people I know have returned recently from the USA and other countries and are supposed to self quarantine for two weeks but only perhaps 50% have. It's not enforced and at this point can't be enforced because the federal government hasn't taken any action.

Wake up Canada!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Tuesday,March 24, 2020, 02:22:20 PM
The problem national governments have is that they are always guessing what will happen. Until the figures of positive tests and deaths rise to an unacceptable level, they are frightened to take draconian measures to stop the spread.

As the infection lags about 5 days behind, they are always guessing how widespread it has become until it is too late, and out of control.

Take a look at Italy, Spain, France and Germany and where they were 5 or 10 days ago.

Governments need to be proactive, not reactive.

I feel quite relieved the UK is in lock-down. Other countries must follow, or international re-infection will happen. We must all work together in unison to get rid of this silent killer.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Tuesday,March 24, 2020, 11:28:05 PM
Take a look at Italy, Spain, France and Germany and where they were 5 or 10 days ago.

Governments need to be proactive, not reactive.

I feel quite relieved the UK is in lock-down. Other countries must follow, or international re-infection will happen. We must all work together in unison to get rid of this silent killer
I'm in total agreement Alex, and likewise I was also relieved when our government finally announced additional measures this week.

It really annoys me that the UK had advance warning of this from China, Italy and other European countries yet we did nothing to prepare the population.

I know there are now plans to draft retirees/dental staff/vets/etc into service but that smacks of desperation. The grand "herd immunity" plan wasn't a credible plan of action, it's a consequence of a pandemic that kills off a section of our society dressed up as a method of dealing with it.  To paraphrase it's "infect 'em all, let God sort 'em out".  But given that some of those dying off are going to be the very people treating others, teachers looking after schoolkids, etc, it doesn't impress me much.

On a slightly different tack, how are your brother and his family doing Lou ? I'd guess they have settled into a routine by now but it's still a very unpleasant period for anyone.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Lou Drozdowski on Wednesday,March 25, 2020, 05:07:01 AM
 He's fortunate to be located in a small rural town, away from a populated city center. Among many others, dealing with the restrictions to normal life. Shortages for daily essentials and limited exposure outside are the routine. The hospitals and medical response system are near critical stage. A three thousand euro fine is now in place for non essential travel and gathering's violations. Italy,  for it's larger group of senior citizens are finding it very hard to convince the young that they are indestructible.

The silver lining to all this is how most everyone is pulling together, balcony flash mobs, music and caring for the friends and families of others.

We discussed things Europa also, extra time has afforded a few projects to be planned, like a rear discs conversion perhaps and extra wheels and tyres.

Hope you, and everyone here on this site stay healthy and vigilant...Hey, I just read that Prince Charles tested positive. This germ does not discriminate!...God Bless!


Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Bainford on Wednesday,March 25, 2020, 09:36:42 AM
At least gas is down to $1.12 litre.

We're down to $0.68/litre here! Unfortunately, following directions, I'm not doing much driving so haven't taken advantage of the low price. I last filled up more then two weeks ago at $1.14/l

I've been very impressed with the degree of pro-activeness of our government. The province is in a State of Emergency. All parks, beaches, and hiking trails are shut down. Violation is a $1000 fine, and if your car is found in the parking lot of a provincial park or beach, it will be towed. Groups of larger than five are not permitted, and fines will be handed out. The premier got peeved when he observed crowds of self-centred morons not following directions, and congregating in crowds at the parks. Pretty much all restaurants and coffee shops are shut. Many manufacturing companies are shifting to production of medical items needed for the pandemic. The government has initiated huge compensation packages for people who can't pay rent, medications, etc. Banks have deferred mortgages for a couple months, and the government has deferred tax collection. It's all quite impressive.

It's refreshing to see these types of actions globally, and instils a whiff of hope for mankind, when money is generally more important than people. I find all of this quite fascinating.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Wednesday,March 25, 2020, 10:07:01 AM
That's good to hear Lou, I wondered if he was out of the way of the main areas and it sounds as if he is. I'd imagine by now they've got a routine set up to keep safe so let's hope the infection rates starts dropping soon.

The community spirit is something that we've noticed over here as well, or at least locally.  We live just outside a small village with only one shop, one pub and one school, so you can tell it's not so big.  But since this started the "Friskney Community" on Face book, once the home of only a few, has grown considerably as folks have started using it to keep in touch and offer help to the older ones here.  Even I created a Facebook account, something I swore I'd never do - that ice you can see must be Hell freezing over !

I find it reassuring to hear from you guys in other countries and how we all seem to be heading down the same path in tackling the problem. And how we all seem to have the same few in our societies that have trouble understanding why !

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Wednesday,March 25, 2020, 11:17:34 AM
My eldest son is a policeman in Western Australia.

They have been told to expect lock-down within a week.

Normally Australian quarantine laws are very strict.

I expected them to do this quicker than most other countries.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Friday,March 27, 2020, 09:02:39 PM
Sadly, it seems that we might have been a bit hasty in celebrating Italy's reduction in deaths. Today (Friday) they logged the highest number of deaths so far. I know we all keep Vic and his family, as well as the Italian people as a whole, in our thoughts and prayers and can't wait for their pain, as well as any we may feel, to end.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Friday,March 27, 2020, 11:17:25 PM
 I saw those reports as well Jim, and it's very sobering. Not what anyone wants to hear and personally I expected to see a downturn after all they've been through.   Life in Italy must be horrendous at the moment, let's just hope that it's nearing the end and we see higher survival rates soon.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 01:02:30 AM
We had daily updates at 17.30 from Boris Johnson our Prime Minister, the Health Minister, and the Chief Medical Officer telling us to keep apart and self isolate.

Guess what?

They all appear to have caught Covid 19.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 02:01:37 AM
Considering how all they do is talk to each other you have to wonder at why they think that meeting in #10 round a table and then going home to their folks is really the way to be doing things.  Tell the country to close everywhere and not meet more than 2 at a time but it's ok to shove the critical folks running the country shoulder to shoulder around a table.

It makes you wonder at times how bright these people really are.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 06:24:17 AM
Considering how all they do is talk to each other you have to wonder at why they think that meeting in #10 round a table and then going home to their folks is really the way to be doing things.  Tell the country to close everywhere and not meet more than 2 at a time but it's ok to shove the critical folks running the country shoulder to shoulder around a table.

It makes you wonder at times how bright these people really are.

Royalty too !
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Lou Drozdowski on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 06:38:12 AM
Front lines...

A snapshot at Parma medical center... not only are the patients at risk, today it was reported that the staff has lost forty doctors who have perished.

Why the surge in deaths? and why infection rates continue to rise.

A recent study has shown that in the initial phases of discovery in the Lombardy region (which was first to limit travel restrictions)...many infected residents left for the south and other provinces.

I fear that we will see similar instances...in America. If we cannot control the hot spots (NYC),
 a comprehensive travel ban will be put into place where no state crossings will be allowed.

I pray I am wrong...ld 
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 07:52:37 AM
I keep hearing of very positive results from using hydrochloroquine. It's pretty much given out like candy for those at risk of malaria and for treating malaria and arthritis so it's very safe. I know not everyone should take it, but it seems like they are not nearly as aggressive with it as they could be.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 09:00:10 AM
A recent study has shown that in the initial phases of discovery in the Lombardy region (which was first to limit travel restrictions)...many infected residents left for the south and other provinces.

I think that's a normal reaction, I would probably do the same myself. If symptoms don't show for anywhere up to 5 days then I can understand someone wanting to get themselves and their families out of the region. China was a lot more forceful in restricting travel from what I recall, but that's an authoritarian regime for you.

It's very sad to hear of the deaths of doctors and nurses, but it underlines that even those who know all about safety precautions are not invulnerable and when we're tired, we all slip up somewhere.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 4129R on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 10:00:36 AM
China was a lot more forceful in restricting travel from what I recall, but that's an authoritarian regime for you.

In N Korea, if you broke the quarantine lock-down, they shot you.

I suppose that saves the expense of ventilators.
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 07:45:08 PM
Yesterday, I got this ad from my great great grandfather's music store in New Orleans. It was apparently published during the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918. I thought it fit in with our current situation. I've attached it below. I guess there's nothing new, we just go through similar situations over and over...
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: 1970EuropaGuy on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 09:12:32 PM
Very cool!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: EuropaTC on Saturday,March 28, 2020, 11:02:29 PM
Thar's a great slice of history Jim, especially with the personal link.  The price got me wondering so I looked up the cost of a model T then (as Lotus weren't around   ;) ) and it seems to have been around $500 so at $425 they weren't an impulse buy, were they ? 

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Lou Drozdowski on Sunday,March 29, 2020, 07:15:00 AM
Extreme measures...

A short video (with subtitles) of local officials dealing with containment.

Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Sunday,March 29, 2020, 08:00:28 AM
Pretty draconian measures, but with the terrible loss of life there, it's understandable. I wonder if they also encourage people to wash their hands obsessively? From what I understand, the main route of infection is from touching something with the virus and then touching your eye, nose, or mouth - not so much by just breathing.

I understand there are likely going to be some strong political repercussions from this when it finally passes.

My heart goes out to the people of Italy and as much I want this end everywhere, I hope it ends there first after all they've been through.

As for the ad for my great great grandfather's music store, there weren't many avenues for entertainment back then and a piano, or even better a player piano, would be a huge asset while you quarantined yourself. As Brian said, they weren't something a lot of people could afford unfortunately.

Everybody stay well!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: TurboFource on Tuesday,March 31, 2020, 05:24:16 AM
They started enforcing stay at home here in Maryland last night. My son who is in college, works at a machine shop making weapons parts, now has a letter saying he can travel back and forth to work ... Seems like something out of a movie.... " Show me your papers" .... :confused:
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: BDA on Monday,April 06, 2020, 07:49:08 PM
It looks like Italy has definitely turned the corner. New York may have as well. God, I hope we're starting to see the end of this!
Title: Re: It's time to Fly the Flag
Post by: Sandyman on Saturday,April 11, 2020, 06:27:15 AM
In this time of rebirth and renewal for all peoples of this World may we all look forward to better times to come. Stay home stay safe, love and health to all.