Lotus Europa Forums > FS / WTB: Cars and Rollers

SOLD 1972 Europa S2 with Twin Cam Big Valve

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Pretty car! Obviously, the engine needs a tune up - a Stromberg TC motor can start immediately - and a horn (if you can't be seen, you must be heard!).

I was going to goad you into trying to master a technique for getting in and out of it since I'm over 6'1" and 200 lbs and I fit very comfortably in my TCS and I can get in and out but without much grace, I admit. Then I remembered that the S2 is different than the TC so I'm just sad you have to sell your baby...

Those are pretty small issues. I hope you get a nice price.


--- Quote from: RoddyMac on Friday,April 26, 2024, 06:47:07 AM ---Is this car that was just on the FB Europa page?

--- End quote ---

It seems to be the one in the FB group few days ago. I think the price is still okay, but looking at the price you obviously had to pay just a few days ago I feel sorry for the previous owners. They should have gotten the premium you are asking now.
I am not here for bombing your ad, but I hope you haven't bought it in the end just to make quick money. If not, I do understand it can be really frustrating to buy something you really like just to find out you cannot fit inside properly.

Apart from this, good luck in selling this one!


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