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Garage / Re: S1 rolling restoration
« Last post by BDA on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 06:36:04 AM »
Garage / Re: PA Motorsport upgraded stub axles?
« Last post by BDA on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 06:35:36 AM »
Emailing Richard is a waste of time. If you want to contact him, call him on the phone. But if you want to purchase something, as JB says, go to the Lotus Supplies website ( and order it.
Garage / Re: PA Motorsport upgraded stub axles?
« Last post by jbcollier on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 05:56:22 AM »
Lotus Supplies sells the Banks stuff now.  There are a number of aftermarket rear axle options out there already.
Garage / Re: S1 rolling restoration
« Last post by jbcollier on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 05:54:02 AM »
Welcome!!  Photos please !!  Always excited to see another S1.  How is the chassis?  Have you poked around inside the chassis with an ice pick?
Garage / Re: S1 rolling restoration
« Last post by TurboFource on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 04:08:29 AM »
Looking forward to pics as you fix things!
Members Cars / Re: 65/0167R
« Last post by jonclancy on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 03:58:58 AM »
It is rather fun. Been to Classic Le Mans twice. I was at Combe briefly yesterday afternoon. one S2, two TCS and a Banks 47 were there among some other lovely cars. Had a chat with a very much owner of the S2. Maybe be there with mine next year. Running, not done.
Garage / S1 rolling restoration
« Last post by LotusEuropa on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 03:16:02 AM »
Hi together, I am working on a rolling restoration, bringing back a car to 'as original as possible' condition. This means the plan is not to disassemble the whole car but to do what's needed whilst trying to get it back to the road asap. The car is an early S1.

Current condition:
The car basically works, the engine, transmission, brakes, chassis and suspension are generally in good condition. The body needs some attention, but I'm not going to completely repaint it. Most attention is needed to the interior, the electrics and the rear end (body). Apart from this, some parts (mirrors, indicators, interior parts etc.) need to get changed or undone (e.g. replace cosmic wheels to original steel wheels)

I will need to ask some detail questions which I will do here to not open a new topic every time. Hope you will help me with your expertise. I will post pictures at a later stage.
Off Topic Subjects / Re: 3D printing.
« Last post by EuropaTC on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 12:56:29 AM »
3D printing does get addictive.  You rapidly end up when faced with a problem thinking "can I design and print something to do that ?" 

I bought a Creality CR6SE a couple of years ago with no real idea why I wanted one other than curiousity. A mate told me to try Fusion 360 for design and after a fairly steep learning curve you get into the swing with it.

I started off making some badges which is fairly easy using PLA+. After a while I had a go at creating a simple tool for marking arrows (archery) which is basically a copy of a commercial item which I'd tried to buy but was NLA.   That turned out very well, is probably on Version 9999 now but makes fletching vanes very simple and 100% accurate.

The problem for car related items isn't making them but temperature in use, for example the dash top vents will see a lot of heat during summer (well, maybe not in the UK) and softening can be a problem with PLA. It'll work fine for a prototype but long term you'll want a more temparture resistant material. 

Garage / Re: PA Motorsport upgraded stub axles?
« Last post by 314159td on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 12:44:55 AM »
I was also toying with the idea of making new shafts and hubs to ~original spec, with obvious modifications like shortening the splines and using 30mm bore bearings on both ends, but also using better material and hardening the splines. Maybe a different spline profile if deemed necessary, but otherwise drop-in for the Europa. They really should be replaced as a pair anyway.
It may turn out that a fundamentally different layout of the components is necessary (moving the splines to the yoke side, as seen in some unobtanium designs), but I wouldn't go so far as changing the u-joint size or otherwise messing with the fundamental Europa suspension design. 

We have a fairly similar part at work that should serve as decent price comparison (no u-joint yokes though), going to find out what those cost for the small initial batch. If the cost is ~$800 per car at qty 6-10 I'll likely put in the effort to do that. 

If anybody is reading this in a few months, please bug me to update. I'll get to a y/n decision on feasibility and make a fresh post.
Off Topic Subjects / 3D printing.
« Last post by Richard48Y on Sunday,May 26, 2024, 12:05:52 AM »
I was "This close" to getting a nice VMC recently but just could not quite get it done.
I was gifted a decent beginner grade 3D printer in its place.
Fairly frustrating machine but I am getting the hang of it.
Turns out that PVA is tougher stuff than I expected.
If not for the layer lines it would make nice vent grills, it may yet make sand-casting patterns.
There are supposed to be some other filaments that can be smoothed after print.
The main benefit of this machine for now is that I finally have a motivation to brush up my G-Code and a way to confirm what I've drawn.

First real part I have made is a bracket to hold a dial indicator in place rather than setting the Z (Vertical hight) with a piece of paper and "Feel".
Running second one now just to have a spare, they are plastic.
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