How lucky am I? I started to open the case of my 365 which was locked up tighter than a bank vault. I expected the mess of oil, ocean water, and diarrhea that came out, but I did not expect it to clean up nearly as well as it has so far!
As soon as I can produce a thin 30mm wrench to remove the speedo drive I will be able to split the case and begin the reanimation in the ultrasonic parts washer.
It seems that most of the bearings and seals can be had so I think this old girl will turn again with life.
An aside on the painting. It turns out I made a whoopsie. I believe the problem I was having with contamination in my base coat came from the mold work I did in the paint booth. I think trimming the waxed molds is what caused the havoc even though I put a new plastic floor down. I sanded it all off and reprimed with epoxy. This went well enough so I will just leave it like that until it warms up again. Now I have no excuse not to rebuild this drivetrain and have a driving chassis before I paint the car.
I once saw a Japanese youtube video where an owner made a "floor" for the frame by attaching a piece of plywood to the bottom and fitting a chair to it so that he could drive the bare frame around. I want this in my life....