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Lotus Europa Bastard from Germany

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Chuck Nukem:

--- Quote from: ralf on Saturday,August 26, 2023, 10:24:27 PM ---Hello,
the fueltank for my Europa is finished.
It get an universal 240-30 Ohm fuel gauge sender from a boat, a BOSCH fuelpump and an adjustable presure regulator.
It is made of 2mm AlMg3.

--- End quote ---

Hi Ralf,

Would you mind sharing the part numbers that you used? I am exploring the options. I am debating doing an in tank pump up, but I am struggling to find a good solution for the bulkhead connector. As soon as my press brake is running I am going to make some baffled FI capable alloy tanks for all three series of Europa, my Eclat, and my Esprit. 

Hello Chuck Nukem,
I used a BOSCH pump which is regular used for outside. The inlet of the pump I connected with a 16mm Aluminiumpipe so it can get the fuel from the bottom of the tank. Inside that pipe I put a pre filter.
The fuel gauge sender is a universal one, like they use in boats.
The pressure regulator is an universal adjustable one.

The pressure regulator is one like this:

Chuck Nukem:


--- Quote from: Chuck Nukem on Sunday,August 27, 2023, 02:00:15 PM ---As soon as my press brake is running I am going to make some baffled FI capable alloy tanks for all three series of Europa, my Eclat, and my Esprit.

--- End quote ---

If you can weld and are doing an efi tank, this is how I did mine with an intank pump.


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