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Toolkit anyone?

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--- Quote from: andy harwood on Saturday,January 20, 2018, 05:30:17 PM ---Am I reading that the tool kit is a bit over $1000.00?
If so, I got new items to be on the lookout for at fleamarkets
--- End quote ---

Yep, you've got it right, just over $1000 for a set of tools that most likely the owner will never use, they'll just leave them lying by the side of the car or in an open boot (trunk to you guys  :)  ) at shows.   I suspect there's a steady business for me to pop along to Newark (big local autojumble) every month and then get listing on Ebay.

Ther Probably is, Brian. I sold a lot more of my old Lotus bits than I ever thought possible!

The toolkit listed at £750 isn't even correct - there at least 2 wrong items in it!

My kit is in as found condition but it wouldn't take half an hour to smarten them up with a wire brush and a rattle can. The trouble with doing that is some people like the as is 'patinated' look and its difficult to put it back to that.

Should anyone want to make an offer for my kit please PM.

Thanks to the above posts I've learned two things. I did indeed find the original tool kit to my TCS in Grandpa's garage. Unfortunately it is missing the pliers and perhaps the 2BA 4BA spanner. Out and back it's nearly a 20 hour rode trip to go look for them. :(

Spotted this one on eBay recently:


I always think these seam overpriced until I spotted this on BAT:


I guess if one owns a 365 GTB4, one has deep pockets, chump change!


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