Lotus Europa Forums > Random Europa Sightings


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Nisswa Collision:
I got this trailer with a series 2 Europa that I sold. Later I stumbled across the plans that the trailer was built from. I think it was the Golden Gate Lotus club site???? Anyway, I thought I'd show it to you. I learned that the car goes on backwards from the plans. My fenders were installed later and in the wrong location although it's nice to be able to open the car doors on the trailer. The tires rub on bumps. When I first picked up the trailer from the welder that installed the fenders, he had welded them on in such a way so as to block the suspension by the leaf springs hitting the fenders. He must have been high.

Nice trailer, Nisswa!  Having it sprung is a nice touch.

Nisswa Collision:
A wrecking yard guy said he recognized the axle from a Dodge or Plymoth Voyager Van. It has been widened with a section of round pipe in the middle.

I always thought they would make a good trailer axle!

Be VERY CAREFUL if you are towing a Europa backwards.  The wind can get under the engine cover and lift it up.  It flips up and over destroying itself, the roof, and the windshield.  This is a common occurrence.  If you absolutely have to tow it backward, make sure the engine cover is tied down.  The lock will not hold it.


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