Lotus Europa Forums > Garage

1970 s2 0453R Reassembly

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After years of sitting in my garage and working on it from time to time, first part going back on.
I sorted thru bags of parts , engine 821-30( needs liners ,need some help locating ) suspension,
Interior, body etc.. a lot of parts here .
Lol just found out last time I posted on yahoo was back in 2007...time flies.
Posted pictures on yahoo / 0453r reassembly/ dakazman

First part - steering rack.

This will be my log.
Dave Kaczmarek

Since I didn't see your first post,  :Welcome:  Dave!

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Working on the rack is pretty straight forward. The manual says that when you install the tie rods, they should take seven or so pounds to move - I'm not sure of the wording but I think you get the idea. They aren't kidding. I thought if they were tight enough to be snug but free swinging, it would be ok. I was wrong. I rebuilt the rack again and just guessed at how tight they were - envisioning the force to lift a gallon of water - and it worked fine, but a spring scale is the preferred method of testing it.

Good luck!

 :Welcome: Welcome to the forum, Dave. Looking forward to seeing your project come alive. Cheers.

While the parts were ready to hang, bolts needed replacement so off to buy some stainless steel
ones from lowes, well one sheared off with only being snugged up.
I see they were made in China. 😭. So off to a hardware store to find some American grade 5 bolts.

   I also used some anti seize on the leg thru mounts  since that is where a lot of corrosion was.
The bolts are 3 3/8 x 1/4 28tpi . Some minor hiccup was setting the angle of the steering column , which was not in the maintenance manual, just the 11/16 sparring.
Well pictures to come when I get a chance to resize them in a windows computer.
Tried to resize in photoshop express on an apple 6 plus, but no help wouldn't load .

Yup, hardware store SS bolts are crap: cosmetic use only.


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