When I was rebuilding my NG3 tranny, I had a very difficult time finding one of the bearings. I had been counting on Michel at Alpine-America (
https://www.alpine-america.qc.ca/). After a few months, I gave up on him. Eventually I was introduced to Olivier. He is also in Quebec, Canada. From what I can tell on his Facebook page (
https://www.facebook.com/ateliermahoa/), he does not specialize in Renaults but he apparently has some contacts and history in Europe with Renault parts and he found my bearing!! I found him very easy to work with... And he found my bearing!!
I don't know all the ins and outs of what Olivier can provide but I wanted to suggest that if you are having trouble finding any Renault parts, you might want to consider checking in with him. His email address is
olivier at ateliermahoa dot com. His English is good enough that I felt I was wasting my time emailing him in French and English and he always replied in English only. He's a good guy so keep him in mind if something is hard to find.