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Wheels across the pond.

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I've been skiing in France this week and am in Lyon Airport waiting to fly back to Manchester. I received a text last night telling me to work from home for two weeks! I do have a cough and a sore throat, but that's usual for me when I go skiing. No temperature, apart from when I've been skiing hard! There is nothing obvious here and I've only seen a couple of people with face masks on in the airport.


--- Quote from: SilverBeast on Saturday,March 14, 2020, 01:31:08 AM ---I received a text last night telling me to work from home for two weeks !

--- End quote ---
Interesting, I suspect that's your employer taking precautions rather than government ruling. On the plus side, it'll give you a nice break to get over the skiiing !

From what I can see there are individual firms telling folks to work from home and the latest advice is to stay indoors for 7 days if you have symptoms, but I don't think there's a blanket "stay indoors for 14 days if you're arriving in the UK".


Yeah. We are American owned now, but I suspect it's mainly our local HR department are a bit paranoid!

Certified Lotus:
Delicate situation the Coronavirus. Politics aside (he’s not my President) the ability to control this pandemic without a vaccine is high risk. Community spread is very easy and it seems you either have a mild case or a severe case which requires hospitalization.

Here in the US the Center for Disease Control has run a number of scenarios that are very scary regarding number of people that will get infected and how many will die. Even the best case scenario demonstrates the need for hospital beds will be overwhelmed. The even bigger issue is the small number of ventilators available for those that will require them to stay alive. 

Our current President did not believe the virus would impact the US and didn’t get the government involved early enough to start the preparations for when transmission happened here in the states. We lost precious time in preparing test kits in mass quantity and now we are way behind.

The only way to control the community spread of the Coronavirus is to know where it is. We don’t know who is infected (except the bad cases) and the entire population is walking around spreading the virus at some level.

The last two weeks have seen a dramatic shift of public concern. We experienced a big run on hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes and spray disinfectant. Toilet paper and paper towels. All no longer available on the shelves of grocery stores weeks ago (N95 face masks were gone over a month ago).

Right after the President’s public address on TV Wednesday night, there was a rush for dry, canned and frozen food. The major urban cities had many empty grocery shelves and here in the North East of the US there are massive lines to get into the “big box” stores like Costco.

The CDC is saying to have a 14 day supply of food in your house in case of quarantine due to contracting the coronavirus. 

This week has seen a lot of  private schools, colleges and universities, and sports stadiums close down. For months. I live in Princeton NJ and the university closed the campus last week with everyone asked to leave. Next semester (right after spring break) will be entirely on line. No classes in person. None. My youngest son’s college in Georgia just extended spring break an additional week and then the spring semester is entirely on-line. No human interaction.

The global company I worked for is going completely remote (meaning work from home) starting Tuesday.  Luckily our company has heavily invested in technology and it’s feasible to operate this way.

As I write this local communities are shutting down restaurants, stores, schools, any place the general public can interact and potentially spread germs.  A person in Princeton was confirmed to have coronavirus AFTER attending a private party earlier this week.  47 additional people were infected.  Those people didn’t know it until 5 days later so they all also impacted community spread.

There is an annual Lotus event taking place today that I haven’t missed in many years. Always great to see all my friends after the long winter of no sports car driving. I’m not going.  Too risky to interact with a group of people in a confined space. And the bigger issue is  a lot of us are in the higher risk category, over 60 years old.

Unfortunately this pandemic will have a major impact on the world. Personal health and safety is paramount. The only way to stay healthy is to limit contact with others until large scale testing is available to the general public. We will experience significant financial cost during this time that will take years to recover from. Plan accordingly.

My own philosophy is to hunker down and stay home until this is under control.  With today’s tech it’s easy to stay connected to the rest of the world. There are a number of books I’ve been meaning to read. My wife and I are Spending more time together. We are looking at the world much differently and recognizing that we can enjoy the simple things.

Stay healthy everyone. Hopefully in 3 to 4 months this will be under some level of control.

  Daytona Bike week ended early today. Disney and Universal and Cruise ships closed down.

   Human life is job one .  Thanks and support should go out to all the worker bees . Doctor, nurses, food delivery personnel. People who can’t work from home.

  Throwing blame around doesn’t help. My daughter is a nurse and pregnant , Still at work helping people, she stated more people died of the flu last week even with a vaccine available.
She has been thru this before with swine flu and Ebola.

  Let’s all be safe.


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