Author Topic: We deserve better...F1 coverage!  (Read 1623 times)

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Offline Lou Drozdowski

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We deserve better...F1 coverage!
« on: Sunday,November 17, 2013, 08:14:08 AM »
Is it only me? 
 With the demise of the speed channel, the TV coverage here of Formula One has sunken to a new low. Yesterday, I had to restrain myself from jumping on the internet to follow qualifying in Texas. I wanted to view the sessions as NBCS delayed the program till 6:30 pm eastern time. I did the yard work by raking leaves all afternoon.

Come time to watch and what do I find???  Frigging Curling from North Dakota!
And the match went into sudden death!
 Finally at 7pm the F1 broadcast. After all the bull & hot air they showed 10 minutes of qualy1 and went to commercial.
 When they came back....

Qualifying was over!!! There was Vettel at the post session weigh in...What gives? 

Needless to say, I was upset. I hurled my slipper at the TV. We deserve better I thought to myself...I mean if we have to take a backseat to Curling there is something to be said....Do you happen to have Bernies cell number, my wife asked?
The sun will shine and life will go on...The toss has made the reception a little fuzzy at the moment.