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eBay - Craigslist Ads - Other Listings / Re: S1 on the 'bay, some assembly required
« Last post by dakazman on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 03:22:29 PM »
        I see at least 5 years of work, maybe more. 
Garage / Re: SOT: Look What Followed Me Home!
« Last post by surfguitar58 on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 03:14:47 PM »
 :beerchug: Congrats on your new project!

A high school friend's older brother rolled his TVR Griffith when we were teenagers. (He survived.) Not sure if it was a 400 or a 200 with a V8 conversion, but it was scary fast, and seriously tail happy (hence the roll.)

eBay - Craigslist Ads - Other Listings / Re: '74 Special on auction at BaT
« Last post by dakazman on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 03:12:33 PM »
BAT always leave me shaking my head in wonder/disgust.
So many terrible or overvalued cars selling for so much more than than any Europa.

 I second that!
  I cant believe the prices of VW BUGS, Or even the vans , I drove one down to the Jersey shore with a dirt bike in the back and couldnt even get to the posted speed limit of 55 . I blew the engine and replaced it before giving it back to my neighbor that LENT it to me.
eBay - Craigslist Ads - Other Listings / Re: '74 Special on auction at BaT
« Last post by FourLoti on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 02:00:52 PM »
I expected higher as well. And I may be about to pull the plug on listing my TCS on BAT.  Either on this auction or another, a commenter opined that prices are getting soft all around, who knows. But then again, this seller couldn't find the engine number and made this curious comment:  I was unprepared for the level of engagement necessary of seller but I respect all the questions .

Apparently listed it on BAT without reading any other auction comment list?

Garage / Re: TCS rear light sockets
« Last post by Kendo on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 01:08:10 PM »
According to the plater I sent them to, the reflectors are aluminum and would contaminate the plating bath. He was able to unplate the units, then noticed the aluminum and stopped. He thinks the reflectors have to come off. They are crimped on with the sockets. So if the sockets are destroyed getting them off, I’d want to have replacements.

This could all be wrong. The light units are currently out of my reach, so I can’t confirm.
eBay - Craigslist Ads - Other Listings / Re: '74 Special on auction at BaT
« Last post by BDA on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 12:58:02 PM »
It sold for $21,500. That seemed pretty cheap to me. There were some obvious flaws - especially with the interior but that would be really inexpensive to fix up. There was no driving or cold start video. There was a start video showing no smoke from the tailpipe but I think having a driving and cold start video would have given potential buyers a bit more comfort.

There was a reserve on it and when the bid was $21,250, the seller said the reserve had been met so tt could have been met sooner. It was a good sale for both buyer and seller but I thought it was nicer than the final price indicated.
Garage / Re: It's not easy being green - 1971 TC
« Last post by TurboFource on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 12:27:52 PM »
The original adjustable stop on clutch pedal.
FS/WTB: Europa Parts and Stuff / Re: WTB - TCS Air Box
« Last post by Grumblebuns on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 11:23:14 AM »
I'll need to get it boxed up and weighed then check the freight companies for shipping costs. I'll post it here when I get results. Here are a few pictures of the air box. As I said earlier, a bit dinged up but quite usable.
Garage / Re: Weber 28/36 running too rich
« Last post by Bainford on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 11:15:14 AM »
Yup, good looking Europa, and I dig those wheels, too. Revolution four-spokes? I would love to get a set for my car.
FS/WTB: Europa Parts and Stuff / Re: WTB - TCS Air Box
« Last post by berni29 on Thursday,May 30, 2024, 10:55:01 AM »
Hello There

I have a recently acquired Fedral Stromberg TCS which is missing its airbox, but I have the feeling the shipping costs will actually be quite a lot even by the slowest cheapest route. Do you have any idea how much it would be?

Many thanks!

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