We all know Lotus never designed a Type 66 car. The Type 65 was the last Europa they made. I've always wondered what the Europa would have looked like if it's racing days weren't fading. And rather than replacing it with a new design, the Esprit, to bring aesthetics into the mix, they decided to mix a mild Type 47 look to the Europa. The photo is of 659R as picked up from a barn in Kentucky in 2012, and how it looks today.
Lotus designers would have never added the "look at my motor" window, or most likely the front fender vents, which I did because the car's for show and it's mine. But every single panel of the car has been designed and reshaped to a new form, with the exception of the doors. A lot of work went into making the car look factory designed, with forms that work together in a 1970s aesthetic.