Lotus Europa Forums > Members Cars

The Italian connection 3522r

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Only just realize you have a revotec thermostat installed. I ordered one as well, but I am unsure on which radiator hose to install it. Did you install it on the top or bottom radiator hose? Perhaps could you share a picture?

I bought a chinese aluminium radiator, and there is an otter switch bung that’s plugged of what seems to be a plastic plug. I intend to leave that unused like that and only rely on the revotec, but I amnot sure about the plug. Perhaps I should try to find a metal one, but then again galvanic corrosion might be an issue, unlike with the plastic plug.


You should definitely find a metal plug because that plastic one is only to keep junk out of the radiator during storage, handling, and shipping.

Lots of modern rads use plastic plugs.  If it is built for the job, it will be fine.  If it is just meant to keep dust out during transport, then not so much.


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